Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My christmas miracle!!

I have been blessed with a Christmas miracle!! Porter has slept all night long the last two nights, and for the last week he has been sleeping in until at least 9 am!!!! I get up and shower and get the girls fed and dressed all before he wakes up- hallelujah!!! (Can you hear the Angels singing? I can!!) I know I probably just jinxed myself and he will be awake all night tonight and wake up at 5 am, but oh well I have enjoyed it, and I figure I got a shower today I am good for at least a week :)
It's not everyday you get a picture of an actual miracle, but I did! This was taken at 9:08 AM!!!!

Winter Wonderland!


Be careful of what you pray for, you just might get it! And we got my snow YEAH!!!! The last time I wrote about the snow we only had an inch or so. But, Tuesday morning we woke up to a lot more and it snowed all day off and on! Aspen had to go out and play in it as soon as she got home from preschool, so, we got everyone bundled up and headed out, Porter even liked it! Then when Brian got home from work we jumped in the car, grabbed something to eat and stopped by wal-mart to buy a sled, came home and hooked it up behind the four-wheeler and pulled the kids around the neighborhood and all around our yard!! We don't get our neghborhood roads plowed because we live in the country, but that makes them great for pulling the sled, and because our yard is so big we can go around the backyard - - it was perfect!! They all had a great time until Emerald tried to steal Aspen's snow hat off her head and ended up pulling her off the sled:( She was covered in snow especially her face and head! After much crying (from Aspen -Brian and I were laughing) and being mad at Emerald, we got her a new dry hat and warmed up a little and went out for some more! I didn't get very many pictures because we were having too much fun and didn't want to stop for pictures!!

Porter is crying because we stopped - - not because he hated it, he just didn't want to stop!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I can't believe it!! My baby is ONE!! This year has flown by!! I still remember right after Porter was born and they laid him on my chest, all I could say was "His hands are HUGE!" He was a big baby 9 lbs. 7 oz.! He is the happiest baby, if you can't tell by the pictures! Well, we didn't do much to celebrate tonight we had two of our friends and their families over for dinner. And after they all left we put a candle in a little debbie snack cake (I know, I know, not exactly the best first birthday cake, but Porter still loved it!) we sang Happy Birthday and let him attack the cake! These December birthday's are hard, it is just to close to Christmas. Maybe when he gets older we will have to celebrate earlier or something! Today is also my Dad and sister Kristin's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL!!


Christmas Lights!

This isn't the best picture, but this is our house at night! And this is our redneck Christmas decoration! Brian's brother has the hunting snowman and Brian loved it and had to get his own. So here is our hunting reindeer! Yes, we are hicks!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Well, it finally happened! SNOW!! I have been praying for snow- I really want one of those white, snowy, country Christmases! And so far nothing, but last night after we left the ward party it was raining hard, and the wind woke us up in the middle of the night, and we woke up to snow-not enough for me, but the girls were thrilled! They were playing in it before breakfast! Aspen was bummed she couldn't make a Snowman. So they had to play on the swing set instead! Hopefully this will not be the end of the snow!


Last night was our ward party and we all had a good time! They served PRIME RIB, spiral cut ham, homemade rolls, garlic mashed potatoes, and corn. It all tasted wonderful, the activities comitee did a wonderful job. After dessert and the program Santa made his appearance! Brylee was all up for sitting on his lap and talking to him, but Aspen was a little more nervous! In fact, she was crying because she did NOT want to see him, but we convinced her to sit on his lap (sort of) and get her picture taken! Porter took one look at him and was out of there!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Because we do not live close to my mom I had to learn how to cut Porter's hair and I did an ok job. Of course, it would not be possible without candy! If you can't tell he enjoyed that part very much! And as I am sure you can imagine the hair sticks to all the sticky candy slobber!! YUCK!

This is a picture of Aspen right after I got done blow drying her hair! It is getting so long when she wears it down she looks so old!! My baby is growing up!


Last night we made a gingerbread house with the kids. They had a lot of fun, but now all I hear is when can we eat it?? Making gingerbread houses is kind of like a cruel torter for kids, you get out all of this candy and cookies and frosting and put it all together then display it BUT they are not allowed to eat any of it!! Porter was a huge pain while we were trying to make it, he just wanted to touch and eat EVERYTHING- so I had Brian take him in the other room to keep him entertained, so it was just me and the girls. I think we did a pretty good job!

This is Porter's hand trying to grab it! He's persistant!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My little Brylee Jean!

I still remember the day she was born-she came out screaming immediately--This should have been a sign!! My other kids needed some help to get them to cry, not Brylee! She was 7lbs 1 oz. By far the smallest baby we've had, and then due to some pretty major jaundice and dehydration she went down to 6 lbs 4 oz. (Tiny to us!) After the first six weeks of almost constant crying and little to no sleep we found out she had a dairy protein allergy, luckily after changing my diet drastically we all became much happier! She has always been a goer, she stopped taking naps way too soon for me! And to this day she will not fall asleep during the day no matter how hard I try, but when it is bed time she it out COLD, and doesn't move until morning most of the time I have to wake her up! She is our runt- she is so small all of her pants fall off her bum! But, what she is lacking in size she makes up for in personality!! She cracks us up evryday-on Sunday we were in the foyar waiting for Brian when two older men were talking to Brylee and of course she was telling them about her birthday, and they asked if she got her cowgirl boots for her birthday-she said no- they said "Well those are some pretty nice boots!" to which Brylee replied "Yeah, they are for kicking bums!!" as she kicked the wall to demonstrate! They thought that was hilarious-I on the other hand was completely embarassed!And told them "She must of got that from her dad!" She is also very much the princess, she loves to dress up, and put her "lips"(lipstick) on. She will be our girly girl- but even with that she is fearless and nothing scares her (I am not sure this is a good thing!) And this girl is as independent as they come-Holy Cow! I can not help her with anything--"I CAN DO IT!!" We are very lucky to be her parents and to have her as part of our family! We love you Brylee Jean!

Brylee's 3!!!

Brylee turned 3 on December 1st!! She was so excited to have her birthday, that is all she would talk about. While in Salt lake for Thanksgiving we celebrated with my family-celebrating birthdays for Brylee, and then also for Porter, Kristin and my Dad all of their birthday's are December 14th! When we came home we had a birthday party for Brylee's friends, she wanted a Cinderella cake, so we had the lady at Brian's hospital make her one (I am glad we have her it saves me time and stress trying to make cute cakes!) At her party we made door nob hangers and decorated them with foam stickers, then we played pin the crown on the princess, and of course ate cake and ice cream and the kids played and had a great time! Brylee got a lot of fun presents that have kept the girls entertained. I think with all the celebrating she thinks her birthday is this whole month- she tells anyone she comes in cintact with about her birthday. The other night we were reading a book about christmas and how we celebrate because it is Jesus' birthday. And Brylee said "Yep it is mine and Jesus' birthday!" So, now I am trying to switch the focus from her birthday to Christmas.

Cinderella party bags and plates-It's all about princesses for Brylee!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Movie Madness!

Ok, so I saw the movie opening night! I wasn't planning on going, but I had one of "those" days, and I needed to go out with my husband! But, I thought there was no way I could find a babysitter, it was the night of the State football game, and Jerome high School was playing in it, so, between that and the Twilight movie coming out I just new all of the Young Women in our ward would be busy! But I lucked out and found one girl who plays basketball for the high school and they had a late game so she couldn't make it to the state game in Pocatello, and she is not a Twilight fan! So, Brian and I headed to the movie early enough that we could get tickets, they went on sale at 6:30 and we got there at 6:15, as we pulled into the parking lot Brian said what are we going to do until they start selling tickets--That is when we saw the line!!!! Yes, even in little Jerome, Idaho (on the night of the biggest high school football game!) there was a line to see Twilight. Brian just groaned and rolled his eyes! After we got tickets we sat in the theatre for 45 minutes waiting for the movie to start! Luckily we sat by people we knew and enjoyed visiting with them until it started! I enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would, Edward could have been hotter, but he did a great job! There are a few descrepancies that I won't go into here for those of you who have not seen it yet. Brian even enjoyed it, he said he would love to see the next one! The best part was when Jacob or Edward came on the screen and girls in the theatre would scream!! Oh to be young and silly again!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Porters walking! (and has been for awhile)

This post is way overdue, but better late than never right! Porter started walking right before Halloween and has been on the go ever since! He is walking a lot sooner than the girls did, they were both about 13-14 months when they started. Porter was 10 1/2 months old. He loves that he can get anywhere he wants now, he goes up and down the stairs all the time, there isn't much he can't and doesn't get into!! He is such a fun and happy boy he has been such a joy! (by the way-YES, that is my christmas tree! We put it up last weekend! I have been so excited for Christmas, I can't wait for it to SNOW!!! The lights are up on the house too, but we don't turn them on yet, we will wait until after Thanksgiving for that! )

Twilight Movie trailer spoof!

The Twilight movie comes out on Friday and I know a lot of people are very excited and I saw this and thought it was great! OK, it is probably only funny if you have seen the real trailer, but oh well! (For those of you who are blog inexperienced: go to the bottom of the page and hit pause on my music window, then come back up and watch the video, that way the music and sound won't compete with each other.) I will be going to see the movie, but I am not "SO EXCITED" because the actor who plays Edward is just not as HOT as the Edward in my mind:)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tubes done!

Porter had his tubes in early this morning and everything went great! The doctor said his ears were full of infection-way thick- like glue! She said his hearing should improve immensely, we didn't know he couldn't hear, but maybe that explains why he is so loud! I thought it was just because he is a boy! This weekend my sisters came up to help me out (I was so sick and the kids also) Thursday I felt awful, luckily Brian came home at 1pm and let me take a much needed nap. Then Kristin and Melinda got here later that night. Friday I felt a lot better, but it was still nice to have the girls here to help with grouchy kids. That night we went to the Temple for our ward Elders Temple night. It is always great to attend the Temple and it is so nice to finally have a Temple so close. Saturday I felt alot better, so we went shopping and out to lunch. It was great having my sisters here!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH! (That is me screaming loud and long!!)

I hope nobody minds, but I am going to vent a little (or a lot)! Yesterday was not a great day for us, but before I go there let me first say I have had a miserable cold since Sunday and have not slept at all since then! And I felt pretty crappy yesterday! But, the kids and I headed out of the house fairly early (around 9:30) and headed to the distribution center to buy Temple Clothing. Our new Temple is so small they do not rent clothing, and I have never purchased clothing before. And Friday night is the elders temple night so, needless to say I needed clothes so we could attend. Our closest distribution center is in Burley approx. 45 minutes away, yes, 45 minutes to buy garments or anything! So, those of you in Salt Lake-appreciate how easy it is for you! ANYWAYS, the drive went great, but the kids got pretty restless while I was picking out clothing, it is not exactly a FUN place for kids. After an hour there we left for another 45 minute drive home. We had lunch in Twin, then headed to the kids doctors appointments at the Ear Nose and Throat doctor. Just a little ear background-Brylee had tubes put in about two years ago due to multiple ear infections, and then about 3 months later Aspen had them for the same reason. Ever since then Aspen has continually got nasty ear infections where her ears drain very nasty "pus" (yes, it is gross), but they normally don't hurt her- that is what tubes are supposed to due-let the infection drain so it does not build up behind the ear drum. The last couple of times this has happened it has become painful and extra extra yucky! Well, her ear has been draining again and she complained about her other ear hurting (the tube is gone from that ear!) So, I took her in to see how to stop this from happening. The doctor said the ear without the tubes had ruptured, which should be extremely painful. and the other ear was of course yucky and draining. So, Aspen got a prescription for a major antibiotic and antibiotic drops, and then she will be reevaluated in three weeks to see if a different kind of tube, made to last long term, will need to be placed. Porter was next, he has had a cold and been pulling on his ears and I suspected that he had ANOTHER ear infection. He has had so many I can't count. And the doctor said that yep, both ears were full of infection! She said she recommends tubes when kids have had 4 to 6 ear infections before 1 year old. Porter definitely qualifies, so he got a major antibiotic script and is scheduled to have tubes next Monday! Then, the doctor said maybe we should look and see if Brylee's tubes are still in. And of course they were not, they were sitting in wax ready to fall out, so she took them out and low and behold both of her ears were infected!! So, another antibiotic and a follow up in three weeks! I am so sick of ear problems, the doctor asked if it runs in the family and it does-big time Brian's brother had a couple of sets of tubes, my sister had horrible ear problems, and Brian's nephew has had a couple of sets of tubes also. She said it is the way her eustachian tubes are formed, they are too small! She also told me they would all fail hearing tests they had so much gunk in their ears. Maybe that is why I have to yell so much :). It was a very long appointment the kids were very restless and ready to go. So four prescriptions and more money later, we were out of there! I feel like I have a lot more questions I didn't get to ask- but we will be seeing her again so I will get another opportunity! We got home at about 4 pm after leaving that morning at 9:30 am, I was exhausted and felt even worse, but no rest for the weary I had Young Womens at 7 pm!! Thank Goodness for Brian and his help!! OK I am done complaining, Have a Great Day!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Baby stuff!

As many of you know we are DONE having kids, so, I have some stuff to get rid of--YEAH! Porter is no longer using his infant car seat and the expiration date on that is December of 2009, so if any one knows some one who can use that before then, let me know! I also have a ton of newborn to 3-6 month little boy clothes I would love to give to someone who NEEDS them. I am trying to avoid giving them to someone who is having their first baby and will be getting a million newborn baby clothes, but instead someone who needs them more. If you know of anyone please let me know. Thanks!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Well, it finally came! I thought my kids were going to explode with excitment! We went to the church for our ward activity, they had hot dogs, chili and hot chocolate. While we were eating we could walk from room to room to do different activities. they had fishing, bobbing for apples, a cake walk, a "haunted house", and cute decorated rooms with candy to trick or treat at. It was fun the kids had a ball--except when they went into the haunted house, the haunted house was a whole bunch of cardboard boxes laying down and you crawled through them like a maze, it was dark and had scary music, but that was it. Well, we made it about a quarter of the way through when Aspen started freaking out--screaming, crying the whole bit! So, of course that got Brylee started! There were too many kids behind us to turn around so, I ended up DRAGGING the girls through the rest of it. It was hilarious they were bawling and so upset! After we went out to the parking lot and did the trunk or treat. I love that because you get so much more candy so much faster, especially for us out in the country our houses are so far apart it takes forever to get a good bag full of candy. After we left the church Aspen was upset we only went to the cars and not to houses, so we went with some friends of our around our neighborhood. The weather was great for trick or treating. We all had a great night!

Pumpkin Pancakes

For breakfast this morning I made pumpkin pancakes! I let them put faces on their pancakes with mini-choc chips. The girls loved it! They ate a ton of them too! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Preschool program!

Aspen's preschool class went to a senior center and sang Halloween songs for the "Grandma's and Grandpa's". Aspen has been very excited and has been practicing her songs for weeks!! They all got to wear their costumes, and Aspen loved that!! Brian walked over from the hospital to watch because it is so close to the hospital, and in the middle of the songs she was waving at Brian- it was cute! I do think the old lady next to Aspen was bugged, because she kept covering her ears! I will post some better pictures of her costume after trick or treating tonight!

Pumpkin Carving Party!

Well, we had our third annual pumpkin carving party on Monday night. Every year it gets bigger this year we had 53 people in our shop. We have to pull the lawnmower, 4-wheelers and truck out so we can fit enough tables in for everyone. We had soup, rolls, hot chocolate, and lots of yummy desserts! The kids had fun playing outside on the swing set and running around. And of course the best part carving pumpkins!! Aspen drew her own face on and I was in charge of getting the guts out, and Brian got to be the carver! Porter had a little pumpkin he carried around with him as he wheeled all over in his walker. We had a great time and love having everyone over! We look forward to next year!

Getting out the guts! A Full House!

Porter's pumpkin! Brylee's pumpkin! Aspen's pumpkin!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

How will they put her skin back on?

Our Little Emerald has had a lump about the size of a golf ball on her right rib cage that we noticed a couple of weeks ago and it has slowly been getting bigger. So, we took her to the vet on Thursday afternoon, I had all three kids with me so Brian met me there. Aspen was very concerned about Emerald and her bump and the doctor fixing it. While the doctor was examining it he was talking about bone cancer and having to take it out and send it in for a biopsy, and taking a x-ray of the lungs because cancer spreads to the lungs fairly quick, and other scary things like if it is really bad they just won't wake her up! So, we left her there that night so they could do surgery in the morning, and Brian and I prepared for the worst and discussed what our decisions would be pending a bad diagnosis. The next morning Aspen immediately began asking about Emerald and when we could go get her, I wasn't sure how to answer because I wasn't sure we were going to be able to pick her up, so I would just play it safe with "I don't know." At about 10 am the vet office called and said Emerald was done and it was just a fatty tumor-nothing bad! Yeah! We couldn't pick her up until 1, so, the kids and I proceeded with our day, we went to lunch at McDonalds and then the high school homecoming parade, but Aspen could have cared less about all of that she just wanted to go get Emerald. On our way to finally pick her up Aspen kept asking me questions about Emeralds surgery: (Aspen) How did they take out her bump? (Me)Well, they cut it out. (Aspen)With a knife? (Me) Well, yes-a special knife. (Aspen) How will they put her skin back on? (Me) They sew her up with stitches, I will show you them when we get there. (Aspen) What did they do with the bump? (Me) They probably threw it in the garbage. (Aspen)But I want to see it!! She was very upset she couldn't see the bump they took out of Emerald-she cracks me up! So, we got Emerald home and even let her stay in the house that night, the kids thought it was great, however Emerald would have rather been out in her house. The kids were a little too clingy. Every time Emerald would disappear Aspen would panic and ask "Where did Emerald go?" It was cute she was so concerned, I am just glad we didn't have to put her down Aspen would have had a very hard time with that (not to mention Brian and me). Emerald is doing great we even took her pheasant hunting the next day and she found 5 pheasants! (Just a side note: Brian shot two of them, I on the other hand missed 4!!! I know I am a crappy shot! But it was fun!) We love our Emerald and are so happy she is still healthy! And Brian is glad he still has his best bird dog! We Love you too Jayde!

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