I still remember the day she was born-she came out screaming immediately--This should have been a sign!! My other kids needed some help to get them to cry, not Brylee! She was 7lbs 1 oz. By far the smallest baby we've had, and then due to some pretty major jaundice and dehydration she went down to 6 lbs 4 oz. (Tiny to us!) After the first six weeks of almost constant crying and little to no sleep we found out she had a dairy protein allergy, luckily after changing my diet drastically we all became much happier! She has always been a goer, she stopped taking naps way too soon for me! And to this day she will not fall asleep during the day no matter how hard I try, but when it is bed time she it out COLD, and doesn't move until morning most of the time I have to wake her up! She is our runt- she is so small all of her pants fall off her bum! But, what she is lacking in size she makes up for in personality!! She cracks us up evryday-on Sunday we were in the foyar waiting for Brian when two older men were talking to Brylee and of course she was telling them about her birthday, and they asked if she got her cowgirl boots for her birthday-she said no- they said "Well those are some pretty nice boots!" to which Brylee replied "Yeah, they are for kicking bums!!" as she kicked the wall to demonstrate! They thought that was hilarious-I on the other hand was completely embarassed!And told them "She must of got that from her dad!" She is also very much the princess, she loves to dress up, and put her "lips"
(lipstick) on. She will be our girly girl- but even with that she is fearless and nothing scares her (I am not sure this is a good thing!) And this girl is as independent as they come-Holy Cow! I can not help her with anything--"I CAN DO IT!!" We are very lucky to be her parents and to have her as part of our family! We love you Brylee Jean!
OH we love you too Brylee!!! such a cutie. can't wait to see ya!
what a cute picture of Brylee, she looks so grown up!
Happy Birthday Brylee!!! I can't believe she's already 3. Her cowboy boot story is hilarious and I love that black and white picture of her. She looks so pretty!!!
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