Monday, November 17, 2008

Tubes done!

Porter had his tubes in early this morning and everything went great! The doctor said his ears were full of infection-way thick- like glue! She said his hearing should improve immensely, we didn't know he couldn't hear, but maybe that explains why he is so loud! I thought it was just because he is a boy! This weekend my sisters came up to help me out (I was so sick and the kids also) Thursday I felt awful, luckily Brian came home at 1pm and let me take a much needed nap. Then Kristin and Melinda got here later that night. Friday I felt a lot better, but it was still nice to have the girls here to help with grouchy kids. That night we went to the Temple for our ward Elders Temple night. It is always great to attend the Temple and it is so nice to finally have a Temple so close. Saturday I felt alot better, so we went shopping and out to lunch. It was great having my sisters here!


Trish said...

I was thinking about poor little Porter today. I am glad to hear that all went well and I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I missed Melinda today at good old Dr. Durrant's office!!

Trish said...

oh yea-I would have thought Porter was loud just because he's a Davis!!!