Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Well, it finally came! I thought my kids were going to explode with excitment! We went to the church for our ward activity, they had hot dogs, chili and hot chocolate. While we were eating we could walk from room to room to do different activities. they had fishing, bobbing for apples, a cake walk, a "haunted house", and cute decorated rooms with candy to trick or treat at. It was fun the kids had a ball--except when they went into the haunted house, the haunted house was a whole bunch of cardboard boxes laying down and you crawled through them like a maze, it was dark and had scary music, but that was it. Well, we made it about a quarter of the way through when Aspen started freaking out--screaming, crying the whole bit! So, of course that got Brylee started! There were too many kids behind us to turn around so, I ended up DRAGGING the girls through the rest of it. It was hilarious they were bawling and so upset! After we went out to the parking lot and did the trunk or treat. I love that because you get so much more candy so much faster, especially for us out in the country our houses are so far apart it takes forever to get a good bag full of candy. After we left the church Aspen was upset we only went to the cars and not to houses, so we went with some friends of our around our neighborhood. The weather was great for trick or treating. We all had a great night!


Trish said...

Very cute-That close of of Aspen is adorable-she is so pretty! Well it looks like you guys had a blast.

Phil and Karen said...

It looks like you have been very busy the last little bit. Your kids look so cute on Halloween. I'm glad nothing was wrong with Emerald. I know it would be really hard for your family if you had to say goodbye. Better luck on the hunt(s). I'll be posting on my blog soon, but I have a bazillion pictures and don't have 5 hours to do it.

Senter Family said...

Oh man! you kids look so stinkin cute! I love halloween!


hahahha I love this holiday... They look darling!!! much love, can't wait to see these kids!

Melinda & Issac said...

ok...i officially see grandma joyce in brylee! i love their costumes to.