(Again, I am a little behind) Brian celebrated his 32nd Birthday on Saturday! (I know that is WAY old!) He was up in the mountains deer hunting with his brothers! What a perfect way to celebrate, doing his favorite thing with some of his favorite people! Friday at one of the ladies he works with made him this cake- it was perfect the sides were all camo and it said"There's a place for all of God's creatures... Right next to the potatoes and gravy!" Do they know Brian or what!!! The only thing that could have made his weekend better, would have been coming home with a huge wall mounter!!! Oh well, he had a great time! While he was up hunting I was dealing with EAR INFECTIONS!! AAAUUGHH! I am so sick of the kids getting them, Aspen's ear had been draining the week before we went (which is what they do when they have tubes, the infection drains out the tubes instead of building up) So, I put her antibiotic ear drops in them and they started getting better, then we traveled to Salt Lake!! This always seems to happen when we go home to visit. After we dropped Brian off up Big Cottonwood canyon, Aspen started crying saying her ear was hurting, I figured it was because of the pressure change going down the canyon. But, that night she was awake all night crying and the ear started draining like crazy!!! So, I took her to the doctors on Saturday and got her started on antibiotics. And Saturday night was another sleepless night! Thank goodness my family helped me with the kids and let me nap!! (thanks guys!) Brian ended up coming home Sunday night instead of Monday as planned, which I was greatful for! It was nice to have him there to help with the kids, he is such a good Dad (Thanks Bri!) And on Monday we had Porters 9 month well-check and of course the Doctor tells me Porter has an ear infection!!! So, needless to say the pharmacies love us!! Other than sick kids it was fun to visit with family as always!
1 comment:
Once again you are in Utah and don't give us a ring?! j/k When you are coming, call us. We can see what we could do!!! Tell Brian Happy Birthday, man he is old! Sorry about the kids, I know exactly how you feel.
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