Here is the fair "royalty"
Just one of the tractors!
You know you are big time when Wal-mart is in the parade!!
See I wasn't lying, they really have four-wheelers in our parade--I am not even quite sure why they were in the parade, but oh well as long as they threw candy we didn't care!!
After the parade we headed to the fair, the kids love seeing all of the animals. We have alot of kids from our ward involved in 4H so, it is always fun to see them and their animals. (we have so many involved we just cancel Mutual during fair week--I told you it's big time here) I didn't take many pictures because we were too busy petting everything and visiting with everyone we saw. That is probably my favorite part of small towns, everytime we turned a corner we ran into someone we knew, and we would stop and visit for awhile-I love it! The kids really liked the horses and sheep (they got to watch one of my Young Women give her sheep a bath and they thought that was great! ) but, Brylee did not like the pigs "They are stinky!!" Porter wouldn't stay in his stroller, there was too much to see and touch! The kids were pretty worn out so, we headed home and missed out on the pig wrestling! I almost forgot the best part---Elephant Ears!!! The first year we were here, that is all anyone talked about "If you go to the fair you HAVE to get an Elephant Ear!!!" It is a great big scone with cinnamon, sugar, honey or powdered sugar on it-or all of the above. They are really good, but this year the lines was extremely long so, we missed out on getting an Elephant Ear, I think it might be illegal, in Jerome, to go to the fair and not get one, so don't tell!!
Stacy's mom used to own Elephant Ears, she sold it to his cousin! I have many bad memories of working it until weeeee hours of the morning! I was so glad when she sold it, the lines were always sooooo long! I won't tell you didn't stand in line!
I miss the fair for a few reasons: 1. everything else is cancelled the first week of August, so you might as well go and find everyone there.
2. My kids love the petting zoos and the sticky animals. And it's free admission, here it costs and its more of a flea market.
3. It happens once a year, and it's crazy, when its over, you can wait a whole year to do it again.
4. Hailey won a belt buckle for catching a pig last year and wears it with pride with her pink boots and cowgirl hat, it's the only time we justify wearing the gittup.
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