It finally came--the day I have been dreading for months--the first day of Kindergarten!!!! We went to meet the teacher night last Thursday and met Aspen's new teacher and helped Aspen become familiar with the school-learn how to get to the restrooms, where her cubby was and stuff like that. We followed meet the teacher night with me coming home and having an emotional breakdown--it was bad, just ask Brian!! He kept saying "Ok, so what is really wrong?" And through my snotty sobs, I would respond "Nothing-just that Aspen is going to school!!" He couldn't believe that was the reason I was so upset-but yep I had a meltdown because we met the teacher and that meant it was really going to happen!!!! I know, I know I have problems :) Meet the teacher night just made Aspen even more excited--excited to leave me and go to school EVERY DAY!!!! This morning she was up early and quickly ate her breakfast, got dressed and fixed her hair. I can't even tell you how many times she asked me "When is the bus going to be here?" She is in afternoon kindergarten, so the bus comes around 11:30. So, we ate some lunch, wasted some time taking pictures, then waited for the bus. The bus was pretty late (probably because of all of the crazy mom's who didn't want to let go of their kids) we sat on the porch waiting-poor Aspen was so excited and it felt like forever for the bus to get here. It came and she jumped on stopping only long enough for me to take a picture and she was off!! AND SO WAS I!! I got Brylee and Porter in the car and we headed for the school!! see I told you I have problems!! Brian was nice enough to come with me, so I picked him up from work and we met the bus at the school and helped Aspen find her way and get her backpack hung up and made sure she found her seat! Then we left and I lost it again!!! So, Brian took me to lunch, and made sure I was ok, then headed back to work. Brylee missed having her here so much, Porter is just not as fun!!! We all met her in front of the house this afternoon when the bus dropped her off and she had a great time without me!!! So I guess we have to do it again tomorrow!
Waiting for the bus!!!
unbelieveable, I can't believe she's off to school either!! I bet that was hard Ash, I could only imagine! She looks so adorable... you have some great pics of her!!!
Your pictures are adorable!! You did a wonderful job. Good luck with school, my turn is coming, but we still have a few years!!
She is so stinkin cute!! I bet she is having a blast at school. Go Aspen!!!:)
Oh, I remember well the day Sam went to kindergarten! I lost it all week and she was so happy to leave and go to school. I just didn't understand. So I asked her a couple days after she strated Why do you like going to school so much? She turned right around and said becuase I'm making lots of friends my own age and I get to go outside and play everyday! So there you have it the reason my little five year old wanted to go to school. She just turned 8 and still loves school! I'm so proud of you though, I know how it feels when your oldest is so independent and doesn't need you anymore as much. We'll get through together!
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