Sunday, August 30, 2009
WILD HOGS -- or something like that!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
First day of school!!
It finally came--the day I have been dreading for months--the first day of Kindergarten!!!! We went to meet the teacher night last Thursday and met Aspen's new teacher and helped Aspen become familiar with the school-learn how to get to the restrooms, where her cubby was and stuff like that. We followed meet the teacher night with me coming home and having an emotional breakdown--it was bad, just ask Brian!! He kept saying "Ok, so what is really wrong?" And through my snotty sobs, I would respond "Nothing-just that Aspen is going to school!!" He couldn't believe that was the reason I was so upset-but yep I had a meltdown because we met the teacher and that meant it was really going to happen!!!! I know, I know I have problems :) Meet the teacher night just made Aspen even more excited--excited to leave me and go to school EVERY DAY!!!! This morning she was up early and quickly ate her breakfast, got dressed and fixed her hair. I can't even tell you how many times she asked me "When is the bus going to be here?" She is in afternoon kindergarten, so the bus comes around 11:30. So, we ate some lunch, wasted some time taking pictures, then waited for the bus. The bus was pretty late (probably because of all of the crazy mom's who didn't want to let go of their kids) we sat on the porch waiting-poor Aspen was so excited and it felt like forever for the bus to get here. It came and she jumped on stopping only long enough for me to take a picture and she was off!! AND SO WAS I!! I got Brylee and Porter in the car and we headed for the school!! see I told you I have problems!! Brian was nice enough to come with me, so I picked him up from work and we met the bus at the school and helped Aspen find her way and get her backpack hung up and made sure she found her seat! Then we left and I lost it again!!! So, Brian took me to lunch, and made sure I was ok, then headed back to work. Brylee missed having her here so much, Porter is just not as fun!!! We all met her in front of the house this afternoon when the bus dropped her off and she had a great time without me!!! So I guess we have to do it again tomorrow!
Waiting for the bus!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Jerome County Fair
Last week was the Jerome fair, and let me tell you that is a pretty big deal around here! They always start with a Parade down mainstreet. I can still remember the first time we went to the parade, we got a kick out of how many tractors, four wheelers and horses were in the parade. We are used to Utah parades, they actually have floats! Nothing has changed, they still had four-wheelers, and even a few dirt bikes, horses and of course tractors! However, they throw ALOT of candy, water and popsicles to the kids, so that makes up for the lack of floats.
Here is the fair "royalty"
The only picture I took at the fair: The kids petting a cow's butt! Nice!!!
Here is the fair "royalty"
Just one of the tractors!
You know you are big time when Wal-mart is in the parade!!
See I wasn't lying, they really have four-wheelers in our parade--I am not even quite sure why they were in the parade, but oh well as long as they threw candy we didn't care!!
After the parade we headed to the fair, the kids love seeing all of the animals. We have alot of kids from our ward involved in 4H so, it is always fun to see them and their animals. (we have so many involved we just cancel Mutual during fair week--I told you it's big time here) I didn't take many pictures because we were too busy petting everything and visiting with everyone we saw. That is probably my favorite part of small towns, everytime we turned a corner we ran into someone we knew, and we would stop and visit for awhile-I love it! The kids really liked the horses and sheep (they got to watch one of my Young Women give her sheep a bath and they thought that was great! ) but, Brylee did not like the pigs "They are stinky!!" Porter wouldn't stay in his stroller, there was too much to see and touch! The kids were pretty worn out so, we headed home and missed out on the pig wrestling! I almost forgot the best part---Elephant Ears!!! The first year we were here, that is all anyone talked about "If you go to the fair you HAVE to get an Elephant Ear!!!" It is a great big scone with cinnamon, sugar, honey or powdered sugar on it-or all of the above. They are really good, but this year the lines was extremely long so, we missed out on getting an Elephant Ear, I think it might be illegal, in Jerome, to go to the fair and not get one, so don't tell!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Random Stuff, Nobody probably cares about!
Really no one cares about seeing pictures of my kids in the garden, but guess what -It's My Blog!! So, sorry here's what you get! I snapped a couple pic's while the kids were playing in the garden (I was picking beans-uugghh!) They love running through my greenbean fences, and peeking through.
My Strawberries!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My secret confession!
Now,I know most of you think that I am perfect, (ok stop laughing) but SUPRISE I am not!!
After a particularly "exciting" morning, complete with Porter--well being Porter--
I let Emerald in to help clean up the aftermath!! She did a very good job, and apparently likes cereal and milk!!
I know, I know it's gross, in fact this is one of the reasons I hate dogs being inside the house, not to mention
dog hair eeewww!! I did disinfect it after she was done, but let me tell you it worked wonders,
and I will probably do it again (ok so I already have, sshh don't tell).
Well, now you all know that I am not perfect :) Sorry to dissappoint!! But, I am sure it will happen again!!
After a particularly "exciting" morning, complete with Porter--well being Porter--
I let Emerald in to help clean up the aftermath!! She did a very good job, and apparently likes cereal and milk!!
I know, I know it's gross, in fact this is one of the reasons I hate dogs being inside the house, not to mention
dog hair eeewww!! I did disinfect it after she was done, but let me tell you it worked wonders,
and I will probably do it again (ok so I already have, sshh don't tell).
Well, now you all know that I am not perfect :) Sorry to dissappoint!! But, I am sure it will happen again!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Brian's parents were nice enough to give us their old trampoline (yes, the same one that Brin broke his leg on when he was little) And finnaly after a lot of prep work and bringing in a back hoe it's all set! We dug a hole and placed it in the ground for a couple of reasons--one the wind here has taken more than a few trampolines up and over fences, and the enclosures don't last long in the wind here either. The kids have really enjoyed playing on it, ok and maybe I like it too (as long as I don't pee my pants while I am jumping sorry TMI) Porter runs out to the tramp and yells "BOUNCE BOUNCE!!" Thanks Hugh and Karen--We love it!!

Crash and Burn!!
Porter is not exactly know for being graceful, in fact that boy can't walk 10 steps without taking a header! So, far we have had a lot of skinned and bruised knees, and even a bloody lip or two. But, Saturday while coming in the house he somehow went face first into the cement steps! Scrapped his forehead and left his nose scrapped and bloody! I am sure this won't be the worst he will go through, but I just can't believe that every time I turn around the boy is face first on the ground--luckily he is used to it too, and doesn't cry much, just jumps back up only to do it again 5 minutes later!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Bear Lake
Yep, that's me and Brian!!

Two weeks ago we went with Brian's family (and Kristin and Melinda) to bear lake. We drove to Logan Tuesday night and stayed in the Wal-mart parking lot, yes that's right the Wal-mart parking lot-we may have just upgraded to a new level of red neck!! We thought that would break the drive up a little bit for the kids instaed of going straight there. The next morning we left for Bear Lake, I love driving through Logan canyon it is so pretty and green. We miss the canyons and mountains of Utah. We stayed in the KOA and had a great time there, they have a lot of fun activities there, Swimming pool, playground, mini golf course, wagin ride, train rides, it was great! But of course the best part of Bear Lake is the beach, the girls were in heaven, they played in the water non-stop! I love the sandy beaches and that it is so shallow for like a mile out. We had fun wakeboarding, and my favorite is tubing! We were pretty sore after 5 days of playing on the water, but it was all worth it! My parents came up for the day Saturday and it was great to see them too. I love Bear lake, and can't wait for next year already! We had a great time hanging out with family and miss everyone!
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