Well, it finally came! I thought my kids were going to explode with excitment! We went to the church for our ward activity, they had hot dogs, chili and hot chocolate. While we were eating we could walk from room to room to do different activities. they had fishing, bobbing for apples, a cake walk, a "haunted house", and cute decorated rooms with candy to trick or treat at. It was fun the kids had a ball--except when they went into the haunted house, the haunted house was a whole bunch of cardboard boxes laying down and you crawled through them like a maze, it was dark and had scary music, but that was it. Well, we made it about a quarter of the way through when Aspen started freaking out--screaming, crying the whole bit! So, of course that got Brylee started! There were too many kids behind us to turn around so, I ended up DRAGGING the girls through the rest of it. It was hilarious they were bawling and so upset! After we went out to the parking lot and did the trunk or treat. I love that because you get so much more candy so much faster, especially for us out in the country our houses are so far apart it takes forever to get a good bag full of candy. After we left the church Aspen was upset we only went to the cars and not to houses, so we went with some friends of our around our neighborhood. The weather was great for trick or treating. We all had a great night!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Preschool program!
Aspen's preschool class went to a senior center and sang Halloween songs for the "Grandma's and Grandpa's". Aspen has been very excited and has been practicing her songs for weeks!! They all got to wear their costumes, and Aspen loved that!! Brian walked over from the hospital to watch because it is so close to the hospital, and in the middle of the songs she was waving at Brian- it was cute! I do think the old lady next to Aspen was bugged, because she kept covering her ears! I will post some better pictures of her costume after trick or treating tonight!
Pumpkin Carving Party!
Well, we had our third annual pumpkin carving party on Monday night. Every year it gets bigger this year we had 53 people in our shop. We have to pull the lawnmower, 4-wheelers and truck out so we can fit enough tables in for everyone. We had soup, rolls, hot chocolate, and lots of yummy desserts! The kids had fun playing outside on the swing set and running around. And of course the best part carving pumpkins!! Aspen drew her own face on and I was in charge of getting the guts out, and Brian got to be the carver! Porter had a little pumpkin he carried around with him as he wheeled all over in his walker. We had a great time and love having everyone over! We look forward to next year!

Getting out the guts!
A Full House!
Porter's pumpkin!
Brylee's pumpkin!
Aspen's pumpkin!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
How will they put her skin back on?
Fall Leaves!
While in Salt Lake we spent some time at Brian's parents house. They had a ton of leaves on the ground and the girls loved playing in them with their cousins Sharice and Michael! Here are some fun pictures of them!
Deer hunting-- Again!

Don't worry the deer hunts are now all over! ( I think) SO, this will be my last post about them. Brian went on his last hunt in Utah with his brothers and he was unsuccessful, but his brother Chris was not! He shot this four point opening morning (he shot one of his points off!!) and they spent the whole day hauling it back to camp! They always have a great time and Brian will miss hunting with them!
But how will she breathe??

So, after I flew in from Texas we stayed at my parents house for a couple of days while Brian deer hunted (some more!) And while we were there Brylee stuck play dough up her nose!! And while trying to get it out shoved it up even farther! So, first thing I did was yell "Someone grab a camera!" ( I know I am a very concerned mother). After we had some good pictures, I tried to remove it with tweezers-but as you can imagine this only pulls it out piece by piece, so it took awhile. And Aspen being very concerned asked "But, how will she breathe??" Yes, my four year old is worried, while I am laughing so hard I can barely breathe and want to make sure we get a good picture!! I couldn't believe ho
w big it was! I am just glad we
got it!

San Antonio Dental Convention
This is going to be just the first of many entries, I have fell a little behind--Again!! I had the opportunity to attend the San Antonio, Texas American Dental Association convention. There is a couple in our ward (he is a dentist here in town and has a very successful practice)they are trying to get a Dental supply discount company going, and they had asked me if I could help them out. I have been typing up a practice manual for them, and was asked to attend the convention with them so I could run their exhibit while they met with different suppliers to get their business. So, once again Melinda stepped in to help! She came down on Wednesday night to watch the kids while Brian worked during the days. Then Friday night Brian took the kids to Salt Lake to stay at my parents house while he went deer hunting (again!). My parents watched the kids until I got home very late Saturday night! It was a fun trip, I have never been to San Antonio, and it was actually a pretty nice city. The couple that took me made sure our evenings were full, we ate and some great restaurants and took a carriage ride around the city and learned many interesting facts about the place, we even visited a real Hotel that is supposed to be haunted, in fact, some one had just checked out early that day because there was noises and voices in his room that night. It was a very successful convention for their business and I had a great time, I did miss my kids and husband, but it was kind of fun to talk business with people again.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Old blog page!
We still have our old blog page open, but I am going to be closing it next month so, for anyone who has not seen it check it out! It shows all of the fun stuff we have been up to for the last two years! You can look at old pictures and entries too! Here is our link: http://Briashdavisfamily.spaces.msn.com
Sunday, October 12, 2008
This weekend I went on my first deer hunt, where I actually carried my own gun and had my own tag (normally I just go for fun and hike with Brian). We left all of the kids with my sister Melinda in Logan on Thursday night-thanks Melinda! Then headed up to Malad Idaho for the hunt! Friday morning we headed up the mountain in the dark, and as soon as the sun came out it was amazing I have never seen so many deer, especially so many bucks. Unfortunately the area we were in was a 4 point or better area so, we couldn't just shoot anything, although I was ready! We did see some 4 points that morning, but they were not close enough to shoot and as much as we tried we couldn't quite get in on them. Then Brian's binnoculars broke and wouldn't focus anymore so, we hiked off the mountain and drove to Pocatello to get some new ones at Sportsmans Warehouse. And then it was back up again that evening until dark! We stayed at a "hotel" in Snowville, Utah and let me tell you it was pretty scary! It was an old nasty place, they just left the door to our room open and left the keys on the dresser for us. We took showers and while getting dressed to go to eat the lady who runs the place walked into our room while Brian was putting his pants on!! She didn't even apologize or step back out she just asked if she could get some extra blankets out the closet and started to walk to to the closet. Brian finished putting his pants on and stopped her and got the blankets for her, because the closet was in the bathroom where I was getting out of the shower! The lady didn't even seemed phased that she just walked in on Brian half dressed. It was great! Saturday it started to snow and the wind was blowing sideways so we got off the mountain pretty quick, you couldn't see a thing. We wnt to lunch in Malad and when we walked into the ONLY restaurant there, we started to laugh because EVERYONE in there was in camo. I guess deer hunt weekend is a big thing in Malad, they say it is was keeps the town alive. With the snow and fog Saturday was pretty much a bust! BUT, Sunday morning we started up the mountain once again!! We decided to split up Brian went up the mountain and I stayed at he bottom, the plan was he would push everything down to me. And it worked great I had so many deer right to me it was so much fun. I would just sit there and they would practically run me over. But none of them had 4 points, lots of 3 points, of course!! But, I didn't care it was so much fun being that close to them, my feet didn't hurt anymore, I didn't feel my blisters, I wasn't cold anymore, I was just focused on all of the deer! I told Brian I get it now! I understand why they get the way they are about hunting!! While I was down there Brian found and shot a 3x4 up on top. So, we got that cleaned out and had to drag it for 3 1/2 hours to get it to the car! I liked hunting, but once you shoot something then the works starts and that sucked! But, Brian was amazing and dragged that deer all by himself back to the car! We had a great time I loved being with Brian, we laughed the whole weekend! Mostly at each other and all of the crazies in Snowville and Malad! Brian said he was so impressed that I didn't whine at all while we were hiking, I told him it's hard to whine when you can't breathe-what a workout!! My feet are covered in blisters and my legs do not want to work today, but I would do it again!!! Crazy, I know!! I would recommend it to anyone, it was fun to get all camoed up (my earrings even matched my camo!) and hang out with my husband, it was like a little romantic get away, just the two of us! Maybe next time I will get my own deer! Now I am excited for the pheasant hunt!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I was inspired by my sister-in-law and her ever-changing blog background. So, in celebration of Halloween I found some fun music and a cute new background! I still haven't gotten my house decorations out yet, but by darned my blog is cute! (I know I am a hick-by darned!) This is my favorite season, I hope you all enjoy it too!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Artistic Aspen!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Cruisin' for a Bruisin'
Porter has discovered the stairs. He can climb up them but not down, the only way he knows to get down is to scream until I come and get him or of course-falling! Whenever I go to get him off he laughs and tries to hurry up before I can catch him! He thinks it is a fun game! Guess it is time to get the gate out!
Friday, October 3, 2008
These Boots are made for walkin'
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Happy Birthday!

(Again, I am a little behind) Brian celebrated his 32nd Birthday on Saturday! (I know that is WAY old!) He was up in the mountains deer hunting with his brothers! What a perfect way to celebrate, doing his favorite thing with some of his favorite people! Friday at one of the ladies he works with made him this cake- it was perfect the sides were all camo and it said"There's a place for all of God's creatures... Right next to the potatoes and gravy!" Do they know Brian or what!!! The only thing that could have made his weekend better, would have been coming home with a huge wall mounter!!! Oh well, he had a great time! While he was up hunting I was dealing with EAR INFECTIONS!! AAAUUGHH! I am so sick of the kids getting them, Aspen's ear had been draining the week before we went (which is what they do when they have tubes, the infection drains out the tubes instead of building up) So, I put her antibiotic ear drops in them and they started getting better, then we traveled to Salt Lake!! This always seems to happen when we go home to visit. After we dropped Brian off up Big Cottonwood canyon, Aspen started crying saying her ear was hurting, I figured it was because of the pressure change going down the canyon. But, that night she was awake all night crying and the ear started draining like crazy!!! So, I took her to the doctors on Saturday and got her started on antibiotics. And Saturday night was another sleepless night! Thank goodness my family helped me with the kids and let me nap!! (thanks guys!) Brian ended up coming home Sunday night instead of Monday as planned, which I was greatful for! It was nice to have him there to help with the kids, he is such a good Dad (Thanks Bri!) And on Monday we had Porters 9 month well-check and of course the Doctor tells me Porter has an ear infection!!! So, needless to say the pharmacies love us!! Other than sick kids it was fun to visit with family as always!
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