Finally!!! Brylee started preschool two weeks ago, and holy cow she was SOOO excited!! First thing in the morning, she ran out of her bedroom and yelled "I am going to prechool today!!!" So, she was dressed way early, so we took some time to take pictures
she doesn't cooperate as well when taking pictures. She talked the whole drive to school, and ran into school and tripped right on her face Brylee Style!! She loves it and I am excited for her to have her own thing, for so long she has had to wait to be old enough to do the things Aspen does.
Oh she is a sweet little peanut! I can't believe how much your kids have grown. BTW-you are my inspiration for your canning! I would love to do that! (I guess I need a garden huh?) Someday maybe you can teach me....
Oh ya-I love the comments on what you kids say...they are so funny!
Go Brylee!!!! She is so stinkin cute!
hahahhaha the whole falling flat on her face cracks me... That is SO Hayden, such a clutz!!! Your kids are growing up way to quick!! gotta love them, give them our loves!
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