Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This is getting ridiculous!!!

Brian's arm is finally getting better, about a week and a half ago he had some more x-rays done and the bone had moved more. But, after consulting with the doctor they think he is still fine without surgery. He has just been given strict instructions not to push, pull or lift with that arm. And overall he is pretty good about not using it, but he still does more with it than I think he should. After doing a lot of yardwork Saturday it was pretty sore and his range of motion was limited, but after taking it easy on Sunday and a couple hot showers it seems to have loosened up some.

And to top it off i stubbed my little toe on the corner of the door the other day and hurt it pretty good. It swelled up and turned pretty colors. I was so mad, I have been running to get ready for some upcoming races I would like to run in, and even just bought some new running shoes! I couldn't even stand to put the shoes on it hurt so bad-I even had Brian take some x-rays and it was not broken, but it still was pretty sore. I went running Monday night and it was tolerable, but as soon as I was done running it was throbbing pretty good! We are falling apart-it sucks to get old!!

Don't worry, Kristin and Melinda, I am still going to kick your bums on the 4th of July!!!!


Stacy and Angela said...

ouch ouch ouch! CUTE TOES!!

Melinda & Issac said...



ouchy... you two are having issues... but atleast you have a tan line from your flip flops, I'd be happy about that!

Anonymous said...

That is one pretty toe. Good luck running.

Kyle and Shara Gibson said...

I am so sorry! Darn the bad luck!