September 7 th was a big day around our house, Aspen and Brylee started school! Aspen started first grade! All Day Long!! She leaves on the bus at 7:30 then gets home at about 3:40! She was very excited and had no problem getting up so early. Brylee started pre-school the same day and she was just as excited! (I think they were both tired of spending everyday with me!) Aspen wanted me to drive her to school the first day so, we all loaded up and headed in. Aspen's school starts at 8:20 and Brylee starts at 9 am. So, we were able to hit both of them one after the other, then it was just Porter and me!! Brylee only goes to school twice a week for two hours-and I think we both wish it was more, she really enjoys it and I have enjoyed spending a little one on one time with Porter.

Everyone ready to go!

Our big first grader!

I just had to take this because her hair is getting so long I can't believe it!

On our way!!

Aspen in her class!
Brylee in her class, this is the best smile I could get!

And then there was one!!!!

That night Aspen lost her first tooth! It had been really loose and she was having a hard time eating and talking with it, but she refused to let us pull it. We had tied a string to it a couple nights earlier and it slipped off when we tied it to the door. So, she finally decided to let us try again, because it was hurting her. So, I tied some floss around it, but when I went to tie it to the door she changed her mind and put her hands around her mouth and started saying "No,
never mind!" So, I just pulled on the floss, and it came out! But, she was so busy throwing fit she didn't even know it was out! She was very excited after that! And the best part of course was the tooth fairy came that night!! She couldn't believe she actually came!! Now,
Brylee and Porter are constantly asking me if their teeth are loose.

We have had a REALLY busy summer and done so many fun things, but I decided to wait to catch up on those things later, I just needed to start somewhere!!
WOW! What a big day in the old Jerome, Idaho household. How fun!!! Walked past your old house last night. Sure wish you guys still lived there. You could have gone geo-caching with us.
How exciting!!!! They all look like they've grown aton since I saw them just a few months ago. we sure miss ya and I know h misses ALL his cousins... prays and talks about them constantly... work on findind us a job in cow town, that would be super fun if I got use to the SMELL :) (h would love it, he always is aking to find cows out our window when driving, in PA? WHAT??)
So fun, your kids are getting so big! Can you believe how fast our kids are growing, but of course we are not getting any older right!
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