Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ok Now I have your attention....

Yes, I am know it has been just under a million years since my last post, but I am still going to try and get y'all updated--and I have a feeling once you see everything we have been up to you might just forgive us!!

Hold on tight here we go!!! (And I give up at trying to get these all in the correct chronicological order so, deal with it!)

We had friends over to our house for a Easter egg hunt and BBQ.  Brian and I had almost 300 eggs to hide-good thing we have a big yard!

Just some of the kids "patiently" waiting!

Let us out!

Brian got a little creative with his hiding places and some of the older girls had to help each other get the eggs out of our irrigation pipes!

We hid a few "special"eggs with money in them.  So, the kids were begging Brian to give them hints about where he hid them!

Porter's Dino eggs--he took all of his eggs and slept with them in his room that night!

The Easter Bunny made it to our house once again!!

In May we made our yearly trip to the Knolls for fourwheeling, camping, cave exploring, geocaching, birdwatching, airplane flying/crashing, BIG hole digging and so much more FUN!!  
Our caravan!

The BIG hole--kept the kids entertained for hours!!

Brian and Porter hiking up to the cave!
Pre flight picture!
Post crash picture!

My kids wore themselves out, and fell asleep on Grandma and Grandpa's laps most nights!

 Until next year!!!


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