Friday, March 4, 2011


Some of you may know, we are University of Utah fans. No, we haven't went over to the blue side and become BSU fans--no way!! Anyways, that has nothing to do with my story--We have some friends who are huge BYU fans and we get together with them a lot to watch football games. He is also the Bishop of our ward and a lot of people know who his fav team is he is very vocal about it! And we always kind of have a little back and forth banter with them about who is best! And we all know exactly how that question gets answered--THE BYU vs UTAH GAME!!! So, of course Brian and I decided it would be funny to decorate the entrance to their house. So, Brian and I spent the whole evening before the game blowing up red and white balloons, and making posters and making a huge U. We had crepe paper and all sorts of ribbon. Our friends are huge Jazz fans also and it just so happened that there was a very exciting Jazz game on that night and we knew they would be glued to the TV watching it so we packed up all of our kids and the decorations and went out at about 10 pm. They live on a semi busy road so we were a little nervous about getting caught by someone driving by or one of their teenage kids would come home in the middle of it. We backed the car up to the entrance-open the back and started decorating like crazy-the kids were so good and quiet. When we were done we drove by two times to get some pics-these are not the greatest pictures because we were driving by as I took them.

Our hope was that they wouldn't notice them for most of the day Saturday and lots of people would see them as they drove by--because most people know which team they support. But, Brian went by on his way out Coyote hunting early that morning and they already had taken them down :( Not, too long later I got a call from our friends, they knew right away who it had been. Their son had left early that morning for basketball practice and saw everything so they took it down right away--party poopers--the youth were meeting at their house later that day to go do baptisms for the dead and it would have been awesome to have them all see the Bishop's house decorated in Utes stuff!! I was so bummed-but we still thought we were pretty funny.-----Later that morning I got a call from the Bishop's wife because we were planning on going over there to watch THE GAME and we were deciding what food to bring and such and then she just kept talking and talking--I was thinking "Diane must be bored she never talks to me this much"--just then my kids go "Mom, how come the Bishop is in our front yard?" I look out the window and the Bishop and two of his kids are spray painting my front yard--in the middle of the day--and his wife was trying to keep me occupied while the Bishop tagged my yard!! They sure thought they were funny!!

They put this sign on our fence that is right on the main road we live on so everyone who drove by could see!! Needless to say we got quite a lot of phone calls that day harassing us about the Cougars!! BUT, later that day it started to snow, it just shows you who side the Lord is on, he was trying to cover up all of that ugly blue in our yard!!! (it didn't snow much in fact not enough to cover all of the blue--so Brian went out later with some red paint and tried to cross out some of the stuff, but instead it just looked like someone threw up a snow cone in our yard) And, as if we needed anymore proof, the Utes won the game that evening!!!! And because of a little wager between the Bishop and Brian, our bishop was sporting a pretty red tie with a big U on it the next morning as he conducted sacrement meeting!!!!!

A couple of days and a lot more snow later the kids and I made a Snow Dad. We used some spray paint to decorate him, and I think he turned out pretty dang cute!

Now we need to come up with something better for next year--something they can't take down so easily!!


Stacy and Angela said...

That's so funny, I remember seeing your yard all painted blue and we "Thought" you were Ute fans!!!! What a good sport!!!! Love the big U on Geists sign!!!!


that is so funny... We use to do that over every BYU vs. UofU game with the osbornes. Sometimes our house got it but mostly there's LOL I love the snowman, what a good idea to spray paint it! XOXO