Sunday, January 31, 2010

Porter's 2!!

Porter turned 2 on December 14th! We celebrated at home by ourselves. We had a Truck cake made for Porter. He loved it he kept saying, "My truck birtday take!!" He is obsessed with heehee's (horses) so he got a horse that neighed, and his friend Kady gave him a truck with a horse trailer. He loved it all. Brian and I bought him some nerf guns, and unfortunately they were a little to hard for him to cock, so he has to bring it to us to cock, then he would shoot his sisters, the mounted duck on our wall, the ceiling fan and anything he could see! Porter is just getting crazier and crazier. He has tons of energy NEVER slows down, he has even stopped taking naps!! He is such a stinker, when he does something he knows you don't want him to do, he says "haha" like the annoying kid on the Simpsons. He loves tormenting his sisters, I can't tell you how many times a day I have to say "Porter leave them alone" "Porter don't do that!" "Porter stay out of there!" He loves his Daddy and runs to the door EVERYDAY when he hears Brian's truck come home. He always wants to go to Brian's basketball games "Daddy basitball". Anything Daddy is doing he wants to do! And whenever we get in the car he asks "Daddy work??" He loves to go see Brian at work. When the girls are both gone he misses them so much, he asks for them constantly! Porter has won the hearts of many, people in our ward are always coming to us just to talk to Porter and get knuckles! He even has his first crush, one of my wonderful young women , Hali. She babysits quite often for us and the kids all love her, but Porter will stand at the door crying "Hayee, Hayee" when she leaves. He loves to sit with her at church and kisses her incessantly, I think he is in love (and truthfully I think she loves him too). I have my days when I want to duct tape him to the wall so he can't get into any more trouble, but I wouldn't trade it for anything! He has been so much fun, and he finds something to be happy about everyday, especially if it is something that makes me unhappy! We have to try REALLY hard when he does something naughty to not laugh, but dang he is so cute and 100% all boy and it's so fun!!! We love our Porter B, and are so glad he is part of our family!!!!

This is how I found him in bed after a nap!!! YEP he is a boy!!

Just like Daddy!!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Brylee's 4!!

Brylee turned four December 1st, but we celebrated early when my family was up for Thanksgiving. She was spoiled with lots of fun "girly" toys. We had the cutest "My Little Pony" cake made for her--and I have no idea what happened to the pictures of it!! Brylee is quite the character lately, she is very much into anything "girly", princessy, little barbies and pink. She tells me all of the time that she wants to ride a horse "like a princess" (side saddle), and everytime I do her hair, she wants it to look like a princess. We have fights everday because she wants to wear a dress EVERYDAY, if I make her wear pants, because its freezing or she has worn the same dress 3 days in a row, she tells me "You never let me wear what I want!!" and I have a flash forward vision of her as a teenager, and I cringe!! She can also be really sweet, she wants to cuddle and be held alot, she loves to kiss Porter-mostly against his will. Brylee has no volume control and never has and she defintely has a very distinct voice, it's just one more thing that adds to Brylee's amazing personality. If I needed to describe her in one word it would be "personality". She is always been my smallest child, but she has enough spunk and kick to fill a child 5 times her size and 5 times her age, she knows who she is and what she wants all the time and most of the time I can appreciate that. She is thriving in preschool and loves her teacher and classmates. Brylee is so much fun to have in our family, she keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing. No doubt, she is a little girl with BIG dreams!! Keep dreaming big, Brylee Jean- We Love You!!