The night after thanksgiving we drove up to the southhills to see a house that puts up a TON of lights and you can walk around their yard and see them. They usually have a camel that you can feed carrots to, but he had other "obligations" (just ask Kristin she will tell you the whole story)

Trying to stay warm!

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Our Thanksgiving!
We had a great Thanksgiving! My family came up for the weekend. We were constantly going! First, of course, we enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner! Yummy!
Here's the spread!
Melinda and her fiance' Issac!
The kid table!

Aspen's Thankgiving Feast
Aspen's school had a "feast" for the kids at school! They dressed up as indians and pilgrims. I went to the school and helped cut up fruit for the kids, and helped serve the kids. Aspen thought it was great to have me at her school! She loves school and gets so excited for all of the programs and projects they do!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Cory's Home!!
My brother, Cory came home from his mission in Charleston, West Virginia, on Thursday November 19th. We traveled to Salt Lake to be at the airport and spend some time with him. Everyone was very excited to see him, especially Aspen, she talked about it for weeks before. And everyday she would color pictures for him. It was great to see him, I think he grew a couple inches--he is soo TALL! He towers over all of his sisters now!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Seriously--where do they come up with this stuff???
Sometimes I have to sit back and laugh at the crazy things my kids say! Last Sunday when we were getting ready for church the girls wanted some perfume on so they both got two squirts and they were so excited! They both made Brian smell them! :) After primary when we were sitting down in sacrament meeting, Aspen's teacher (who is also the Bishop's wife) came up to me and told me that during class Aspen asked if she could go to the Bishop's office- so he could smell her!?!? I had to explain that they got to put perfume on that morning and that was why she wanted the Bishop to smell her!! The Bishop was so cute, he came up to Aspen later and told her that he thought she smelled good--made her day!! Seriously though, where does she come up with this stuff?? Last week for church when I was doing her hair she wanted it down straight with one side combed down so it was covering her left eye (it reminded me of Violet in The Incredibles) so, we had a little fight and I gave in and sent her to church like that. Again, her teacher told me that she tried to tuck Aspen's hair behind her ear so she could see, and Aspen said "No, my Mom wants it that way" and pulled it back to cover her eye!! Of course, I quickly explained that I had nothing to do with her choice of hairstyle that day. It kind of makes me scared about what she tells her school teacher! She definitely keeps us laughing!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I know, I know this is overdue (I keep getting phone calls asking me when I am going to post pics of my kids halloween costumes--so here you go, now leave me alone:) Our first Halloween activity was Friday night at Aspen's school they had a carnival. Each room had different games or activities in them. The kids had fun going from room to room. Aspen was so proud to show Brylee all the places in her school--the library, the office, where the bathrooms were, and her classroom. Then Brian and I went out with some friends that night, we went to Jackpot, NV to eat all-you-can-eat crab and prime rib--yummy! Then Saturday we took it easy most of the day, Brian went golfing. And we all got dressed up and headed for the churches trunk-or-treat. That is the greatest idea, especially for us, because it would take us forever to get any candy by going house to house. After we loaded up there we stopped by some of our friends houses then headed home to do some more trick-or-treating in our neighborhood with the Radford's. It did not take Porter long to catch on, he wouldn't say "trick or treat" for me all day, I was tryingto practice with him. But, as soon as people were giving him candy, he wouldn't stop saying it! And, when we went around our neighborhood, he would let jump out of the stroller and have Courtney and Kaylee carry him up to the next door, get his candy, be carried back, then climb back in the stroller ready for the next house. We all had fun and have WAY too much candy!!
At the cake walk at the school!
Bean bag toss!
For Halloween Aspen wanted to be a spider, and I could not find a spider costume anywhere, so I made one (I know-don't fall of your chair) the arms were all connected and moved together, she thought it was wonderful!! Brylee as always wanted to be Cinderella, that was easy enough, we have a dress up dress that worked perfectly!! And we found this cute little skeleton costume that we couldn't pass up for Porter-he even kept the mask on pretty good. And Brian was the headless horseman, and I was a gothic countess.
If you plan it, they will come!!
We had our 4th annual pumpkin carving party. And it just keeps growing!! Last year we had about 53 people and this year we had 71!! (we have got to stop making friends:) Luckily the weather was warm so the kids ran around and played in the yard, so we weren't all crowded in the shop the whole time. We had our usual soup, rolls and dessert. Along with pumpkin guts and seeds all over!! We love having everyone over, and the kids get really excited to have this party! Hope everyone had fun and we look forward to next year!!
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