For Labor day weekend we went camping and Brian went bow hunting while we were there. Brian's friend Kyle came up to hunt with Brian. They would wake up and head up the mountain at 5 am. And would not come back until 10:30 or 11. Then they would head out at about 4 and would get back at about 9 p.m. And we would eat dinner and go to bed. So while the guys were out hunting, I had to get creative to entertain the kids. I brought up foam visors and necklaces that they could make. And I also brought playdough and watercolor paints so, they painted rocks, trees and leaves! We went on a couple of nature walks and gathered berries and sticks!They had a blast the whole time! It was great!
Modeling their crafts!
Painting a dead tree!
All ready to find some deer!
The only antelers Brian came home with! (he found them in the mountains)
Trying to get dirty!
Camping poops him right out!!

Looks like you guys had a good time. Brian really needs to get a big buck. It's his turn this year!! You wanted to know where I got that new background. I got it on I posted an add on comment on mine right after your comment on what I had to do to get it work.
so much fun!! camping is the best! Good luck brian!!
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