Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One down 12 to go!!!

Aspen made it through her first year of school! She graduated from kindergarten with flying colors! She had a great first year, and is soo excited for first grade-all day long!! Aspen had a wonderful teacher, and I am constantly amazed with all that she has learned from her (now if I can just make sure I don't mess it all up) and Aspen made a lot of great friends, everyday she would come home and tell me about someone else she met! For their graduation they did a cute little program and got diploma's. (my pic's are a little blurry, after the program I realized there was a finger print on my lense-duh)Our little graduate!

Comparing diploma's with her friends!

Aspen and Mrs. Fitzgerald

Singing in her program.

Aspen, we are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Don't ever forget what an amazing daughter of God you are. We love you and enjoy being your parents! Mom and Dad