Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My new calling!

Sunday I was set apart as the new Young Woman's president! I have been the second counselor for the last 2 1/2 years or so, and was just getting ready to be released, then surprise!! I love working with the Young Women and don't think there is anywhere I would rather be, but I have to admit I am a little overwhelmed! I had some amazing Young Women leader growing up and only hope I can create some of the great experiences I had, for these girls! I chose some amazing women as counselors and am very excited to work with them. We had our first meeting yesterday and it went great! We are going to have a lot of fun together! I feel like I just barely graduated myself and should be to young to be the president, but of course we all know this isn't true-- I am plenty old enough!!! This will definitely be a new adventure, and I am excited! If any one has any good activity ideas or suggestions PLEASE let me know!!


Anonymous said...

Congrat!! You will do great.

Eryn White said...

Congrats on now being a mother to 33!( or however many young women are in your ward) That's how I feel about my calling being Primary President. Life will never be the same. Being a president of an auxilery is very busy but rewarding. Enjoy the ride!