Friday, December 12, 2008


Last night we made a gingerbread house with the kids. They had a lot of fun, but now all I hear is when can we eat it?? Making gingerbread houses is kind of like a cruel torter for kids, you get out all of this candy and cookies and frosting and put it all together then display it BUT they are not allowed to eat any of it!! Porter was a huge pain while we were trying to make it, he just wanted to touch and eat EVERYTHING- so I had Brian take him in the other room to keep him entertained, so it was just me and the girls. I think we did a pretty good job!

This is Porter's hand trying to grab it! He's persistant!


Trish said...

It looks so good. I have yet to ours. We have been so busy. I love Porter's hand picture

Trish said...
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