Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Easter!! I know I know I am slow!!!!

This is going to be a huge post, I have been slacking in the blog department BIG time! This is going to be the beginning of some major updates! For Easter, my family came up to visit! The first night we went out to a great dinner, and let me tell you it was soo great to have help with the kids at dinner. Then, we came home and colored eggs. THAT was so nice to extra hands to help with!! Porter loved the way they tasted, vinegar yummy! His hands and face were stained blue. And he demolished a few eggs--he even threw one across the table! The kids loved coloring eggs and have asked multiple times if we could do it again. Then, of course we woke up the next morning to Bunny footprints and baskets!! Porter woke up first so he had played with everything before the girls even woke up!! Porter got a new bike so, now he can keep up with the girls!! Aspen got a T-ball set. And Brylee got a golf set. Along with, of course, a lot of candy! My Grandma Joyce made everyone eggs with their names on it, like she does every year, we all love them, thanks Grandma!! After breakfast we had an egg hunt in the backyard for the kids. And then we drove to Hagerman to see the Alligators. There is a spot that has hot springs so they raise Alligators in the warm water there. They are just behind chain link fence, and they are huge. It was a fun drive and great weather. We finished off the weekend with church on Sunday and a great Easter dinner!! We had a great time with them and we were sad to see them go! Here are just some of the pictures from the weekend ENJOY!!! (Sorry about the order I couldn't get them organized quite right!!)

Porter loves his Grandma!!!

Trying everything out!!

Cheesy boy!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Aspen has started playing spring soccer. She can't decide if she likes it yet or not, one day she does and the next she doesn't! At her first practice she told the coach she had a toothache, a stomache ache, her elbow hurts and she just did not want to be there!! And after the first game she was very upset that no one kicked her in the legs!! She wanted to try out her new sock shin guard things! She is not very fast and is normally all by herself trying to catch up with everyone else, as you can see in the second picture! We have had to bribe her to kick the ball, at her first game Uncle Steven told her if she kicked the ball twice he would buy her a drink so she kicked it twice and started to walk off the field because she thought she was done! She didn't get Aunt Holly's soccer talent, that's for sure!!

Wii Fit

Brian's parents and bother came to visit and brought their wii fit balance with them, we had a good time trying all the fancy balance stuff they had us do!! It was pretty entertaining!! A little Yoga action!
Iam the hula hoop queen!!!! I wish I would take them time to download the video of the Hula hooping, because it was hilarious!

Move those hips!!!

Japenese BBQ

we took the kids to one of those japenese places where they cook the food in front of you and it was a hit!! They all loved the fire and watching the guy cook the food.
And they actually ate a lot of food!! Even the veggies!!! They liked the "cheater" chop sticks the best, I think they would eat anything if they could use their chopsticks!! In fact, I am thinking of giving them chopsticks with every meal, maybe they would eat ALL their food!!
Porter even enjoyed the show! And he loved the noodles!!

It was a great family night out!!!

Space, the final frontier!

Aspen has the best preschool teacher! They were learning about space and she made the kids these space helmets out of paper mache'. Aspen loved it, she wore it all over the house! Her teacher also gave them "rockets" made from little film bottles, you put alka seltzer and some water inside and put the lid on ---And BLAST OFF!! the kids had so much fun counting down 'till the rocket shot up in the air!
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